"L’Infra-Noir. Préliminaires à une intervention sur-thaumaturgique dans la conquête du désirable" is one of the most important manifestos published by the Romanian Surrealist group. Only Gherasim Luca, Paul Păun and Dolfi Trost are credited on the front page, while Gellu Naum and Virgil Teodorescu are mentioned towards the end. There are 45 expressions underlined in the text, credited to Luca, Păun and Trost. The manifesto is dated 29 September-18 Octomber 1946. A translation in Romanian of the manifesto has been made by Dan Stanciu and published in a 1996 book by Gellu Naum, "Întrebătorul".
January 01, 1946
L’Infra-Noir. Préliminaires à une intervention sur-thaumaturgique dans la conquête du désirable
"L’Infra-Noir. Préliminaires à une intervention sur-thaumaturgique dans la conquête du désirable" is one of the most important manifestos published by the Romanian Surrealist group. Only Gherasim Luca, Paul Păun and Dolfi Trost are credited on the front page, while Gellu Naum and Virgil Teodorescu are mentioned towards the end. There are 45 expressions underlined in the text, credited to Luca, Păun and Trost. The manifesto is dated 29 September-18 Octomber 1946. A translation in Romanian of the manifesto has been made by Dan Stanciu and published in a 1996 book by Gellu Naum, "Întrebătorul".