The Refractive ThinkerTM celebrates the accomplishments of the doctoral scholars contained within the pages of their third volume: Change Management. The intent is to provide a forum for these authors to share their thoughts and expertise as they contribute to our expanse of knowledge in pursuits of the tenets of and philosophies of higher learning. The title of this series, The Refractive ThinkerTM was chosen intentionally to describe a new way of thinking. As a society, we often find ourselves between the dichotomies of either thinking within the box or outside of the box . The Refractive ThinkerTM introduces the concept of refractive thinking thinking beyond the box, perhaps even building a new box entirely. As a result, this series highlights the ability of these doctoral scholars to bend thought, to converge its very essence on the ability to obliquely pass through the perspective of another. The goal is to ask and ponder the right questions; to dare to think differently, to find new applications within unique and cutting edge dimensions, ultimately to lead where others may follow or to risk forging perhaps a new path entirely. The Lentz Leadership Institute presents this collection of the works of ten scholarly authors affiliated with various institutions of higher learning to include topics such as: Change Management: The Role of Leaders to Prevent Workplace Bullying ,; Change Agents: Building Bridges over Resistance , Change Agent Attributes: Pillars of Leadership Effectiveness ; The Relationship Between Values and Leadership Styles ; Becoming an Agent of Transformation ; Defining a New Model for the Transformational Retirement ; Educational Organizations: Managing Change to Improve Student Learning ; Successful Change Management Begins with Effective Leader-Follower Relationships ; Executive Coaching: Leaders with Self Awareness Manage Change More Effectively ; and Strategic Change Management: The Importance of Inclusiveness . The Foreword is written by Mary Beth Hartleb with the conclusion written by Dr. Thomas Woodruff.
Lentz Leadership Institute, LLC
October 01, 2009
The Refractive Thinker, Volume 3: Change Management
The Refractive ThinkerTM celebrates the accomplishments of the doctoral scholars contained within the pages of their third volume: Change Management. The intent is to provide a forum for these authors to share their thoughts and expertise as they contribute to our expanse of knowledge in pursuits of the tenets of and philosophies of higher learning. The title of this series, The Refractive ThinkerTM was chosen intentionally to describe a new way of thinking. As a society, we often find ourselves between the dichotomies of either thinking within the box or outside of the box . The Refractive ThinkerTM introduces the concept of refractive thinking thinking beyond the box, perhaps even building a new box entirely. As a result, this series highlights the ability of these doctoral scholars to bend thought, to converge its very essence on the ability to obliquely pass through the perspective of another. The goal is to ask and ponder the right questions; to dare to think differently, to find new applications within unique and cutting edge dimensions, ultimately to lead where others may follow or to risk forging perhaps a new path entirely. The Lentz Leadership Institute presents this collection of the works of ten scholarly authors affiliated with various institutions of higher learning to include topics such as: Change Management: The Role of Leaders to Prevent Workplace Bullying ,; Change Agents: Building Bridges over Resistance , Change Agent Attributes: Pillars of Leadership Effectiveness ; The Relationship Between Values and Leadership Styles ; Becoming an Agent of Transformation ; Defining a New Model for the Transformational Retirement ; Educational Organizations: Managing Change to Improve Student Learning ; Successful Change Management Begins with Effective Leader-Follower Relationships ; Executive Coaching: Leaders with Self Awareness Manage Change More Effectively ; and Strategic Change Management: The Importance of Inclusiveness . The Foreword is written by Mary Beth Hartleb with the conclusion written by Dr. Thomas Woodruff.