Reflecting on our lives, we hold up to the light their beauty and sadness, their moments of celebration and despair, their dead ends and their amazing new beginnings. In sharing with each other, our journeys take on more profound meaning. We are embraced by each other's insights and compassionate listening. We receive ourselves again as gifts of the Mystery. Our aspirations for a just and peaceful world bring together tragic uncertainty and fragile hope. In the midst of evil and destruction and war, we can still imagine that "another world is possible" and that ultimate reality is aimed at the welfare of all people and all creation. This unconquerable spirit pervades all that we are and do. In our personal and public lives we are comforted and strengthened and encouraged to go on. Even when we struggle like Jacob with God and are wounded by tangling with mysterious angels, we grow beyond ourselves into new dimensions of selfhood and community. And we continue our search for clearer understanding, for wiser resources to meet daunting challenges, and for deeper connection with our ancestors and our contemporaries and generations to come. We say like one centuries ago, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief." And we keep on dreaming of a more perfect union, a more just and caring world.
Wasteland Press
September 01, 2008
Meeting Mystery, Holding Hope: Doing Theology at Pilgrim Place (Volume III)
Reflecting on our lives, we hold up to the light their beauty and sadness, their moments of celebration and despair, their dead ends and their amazing new beginnings. In sharing with each other, our journeys take on more profound meaning. We are embraced by each other's insights and compassionate listening. We receive ourselves again as gifts of the Mystery. Our aspirations for a just and peaceful world bring together tragic uncertainty and fragile hope. In the midst of evil and destruction and war, we can still imagine that "another world is possible" and that ultimate reality is aimed at the welfare of all people and all creation. This unconquerable spirit pervades all that we are and do. In our personal and public lives we are comforted and strengthened and encouraged to go on. Even when we struggle like Jacob with God and are wounded by tangling with mysterious angels, we grow beyond ourselves into new dimensions of selfhood and community. And we continue our search for clearer understanding, for wiser resources to meet daunting challenges, and for deeper connection with our ancestors and our contemporaries and generations to come. We say like one centuries ago, "Lord, I believe; help my unbelief." And we keep on dreaming of a more perfect union, a more just and caring world.