CUBA --- IT'S REVOLUTIONARY How Cycling Changed Che Guevara, and the Patterson's Lives! PAT and CAT PATTERSON have ridden their bicycles around the world a time or two! They've seen a thing or two that have shaped their thinking about people, places, cultures, customs and governments. It's impossible to visit Cuba without being swept up into the details of the Cuban Revolution. The Patterson's curiosity was piqued while cycling through Africa. Why were young guys wearing T-shirts with Che Guevara's iconic photo on them? Why were there posters featuring him? Why was Che's image so well known? Even eclipsing that of Cuba's long time leader, Fidel Castro's. Che was also famous in South America. In a small museum in Argentina, CAT and PAT learned that he wasn't Cuban, CHE was ARGENTINEAN. Like the Pattersons, he had taken a life altering bicycle trip through Argentina and Bolivia during a school vacation. CHE was a PHYSICIAN, writer, philosopher and most of all a dedicated champion to the poor he'd met on that bicycle journey. He was dedicated to the principles of his Revolution. The Pattersons were disappointed after learning of Che's execution under the direction of their USA's own CIA! They were driven to cycle Cuba when they found that AFTER KILLING CHE THEY CUT OFF HIS F***'N HANDS. Cat and Pat decided that despite US government travel restrictions and facing potential fines, they HAD to journey to Cuba! Cat and Pat were both raised in conservative Republican families, and Pat's parents were members of the now infamous John Birch Society. They had spent most of their lives working in businesses of their own. The Pattersons decided they HAD to experience life in Cuba, on their bicycles. They believe there is no better way to get to know a place like Cuba and her peoples than on bicycles.
CUBA --- IT'S REVOLUTIONARY How Cycling Changed Che Guevara, and the Patterson's Lives! PAT and CAT PATTERSON have ridden their bicycles around the world a time or two! They've seen a thing or two that have shaped their thinking about people, places, cultures, customs and governments. It's impossible to visit Cuba without being swept up into the details of the Cuban Revolution. The Patterson's curiosity was piqued while cycling through Africa. Why were young guys wearing T-shirts with Che Guevara's iconic photo on them? Why were there posters featuring him? Why was Che's image so well known? Even eclipsing that of Cuba's long time leader, Fidel Castro's. Che was also famous in South America. In a small museum in Argentina, CAT and PAT learned that he wasn't Cuban, CHE was ARGENTINEAN. Like the Pattersons, he had taken a life altering bicycle trip through Argentina and Bolivia during a school vacation. CHE was a PHYSICIAN, writer, philosopher and most of all a dedicated champion to the poor he'd met on that bicycle journey. He was dedicated to the principles of his Revolution. The Pattersons were disappointed after learning of Che's execution under the direction of their USA's own CIA! They were driven to cycle Cuba when they found that AFTER KILLING CHE THEY CUT OFF HIS F***'N HANDS. Cat and Pat decided that despite US government travel restrictions and facing potential fines, they HAD to journey to Cuba! Cat and Pat were both raised in conservative Republican families, and Pat's parents were members of the now infamous John Birch Society. They had spent most of their lives working in businesses of their own. The Pattersons decided they HAD to experience life in Cuba, on their bicycles. They believe there is no better way to get to know a place like Cuba and her peoples than on bicycles.