Questions evoking answers evoking questions... What is "spirituality"? What are its disciplines? What is the opposite of "Spiritual"? How about "The opposite of spiritual is deadly, boring, without life and breath." See Barbara Troxell's essay. Did theology help in the development of racial prejudice? And can it help in the liberation from it? See Kenneth Hoagland's essay. Does spiritual practice yield anything useful? A conversation between a pastor deeply immersed in spiritual practice and a professor of philosophy who's not so sure about all that. See responsive essays of William Moremen and Stan R. Moore. What is the impact of Christian missionary teaching among Indians; "the tradition valued individual salvation over the community as a primary loyalty." Thoughts about a postcolonial learning agenda. See essay by Norman Jackson. "And why is it possible for us to have hope in our over-populating, global warming, toxic polluting, species destroying, killing machine world?" See essay by Audrey Sorrento. Childhood in pre-WWII Japan with missionary parents, educated in the US and called back to post war Japan she tells her life story punctuated with her poems. See essay by Janet Linde. I once would say I love teaching, I am researching the Shoah , I give lectures and papers, I do research, serve on boards. Now, none of this can I say about myself today. I ask again, Who Am I?" See essay by Eva Fleischner. What is the hymn-writers task? The "themes of faith, hope and love in response to God's transforming activity in Jesus, the Spirit and the world/ care and reverence for all of life and the earth; solidarity and struggle on behalf of the marginalized and oppressed; affirmation of diversity and inter-religious cooperation; commitment to building a just and peaceful world..." See Pat Patterson's essay. These and more: This is what Doing Theology at Pilgrim Place: Volume 4 is about.
September 01, 2009
Boundaries and Breakthroughs: Doing Theology at Pilgrim Place: Volume IV
Questions evoking answers evoking questions... What is "spirituality"? What are its disciplines? What is the opposite of "Spiritual"? How about "The opposite of spiritual is deadly, boring, without life and breath." See Barbara Troxell's essay. Did theology help in the development of racial prejudice? And can it help in the liberation from it? See Kenneth Hoagland's essay. Does spiritual practice yield anything useful? A conversation between a pastor deeply immersed in spiritual practice and a professor of philosophy who's not so sure about all that. See responsive essays of William Moremen and Stan R. Moore. What is the impact of Christian missionary teaching among Indians; "the tradition valued individual salvation over the community as a primary loyalty." Thoughts about a postcolonial learning agenda. See essay by Norman Jackson. "And why is it possible for us to have hope in our over-populating, global warming, toxic polluting, species destroying, killing machine world?" See essay by Audrey Sorrento. Childhood in pre-WWII Japan with missionary parents, educated in the US and called back to post war Japan she tells her life story punctuated with her poems. See essay by Janet Linde. I once would say I love teaching, I am researching the Shoah , I give lectures and papers, I do research, serve on boards. Now, none of this can I say about myself today. I ask again, Who Am I?" See essay by Eva Fleischner. What is the hymn-writers task? The "themes of faith, hope and love in response to God's transforming activity in Jesus, the Spirit and the world/ care and reverence for all of life and the earth; solidarity and struggle on behalf of the marginalized and oppressed; affirmation of diversity and inter-religious cooperation; commitment to building a just and peaceful world..." See Pat Patterson's essay. These and more: This is what Doing Theology at Pilgrim Place: Volume 4 is about.