As Samuel regards the ashes of his doomed mission, his captive, Janie Tenner—one of the few remaining women in a near-future Earth—emerges from her fiery ordeal, determined to finally reunite with her lost sister...and to take revenge on the man who delivered her into the hands of murderous fanatics.
Acclaimed novelist Joe Hart brings the engrossing dystopian paranoia of his popular Dominion series to the comics page in collaboration with award-winning comic book writer Stuart Moore and celebrated illustrator Michael Montenat .
As Samuel regards the ashes of his doomed mission, his captive, Janie Tenner—one of the few remaining women in a near-future Earth—emerges from her fiery ordeal, determined to finally reunite with her lost sister...and to take revenge on the man who delivered her into the hands of murderous fanatics.
Acclaimed novelist Joe Hart brings the engrossing dystopian paranoia of his popular Dominion series to the comics page in collaboration with award-winning comic book writer Stuart Moore and celebrated illustrator Michael Montenat .