In this fourth, action packed issue of The Spirit we join masked crusader, detective Denny Colt, in the following tales of adventure and crime fighting...
From his hideout in Wildwood Cemetery, sought by the police and feared by the underworld, the Spirit rises to unravel "The Secret of the Gold Hills". The highest bidder may win nothing but trouble in "The Auction". Ellen and her committee women take on Wilbur and his gang when they try to rob "The Children's Welfare Ball". The Spirit's sidekick goes on a date at the carnival in "On the Ferris Wheel". The bungling detectives Flatfoot and Burns solve a crime zooming down the tracks in "The Roller Coaster Crooks". Something awful goes bump in the dark "The House of Darkness" plus more.
Created and illustrated by Will Eisner in the forties, The Spirit is a masked crime fighter who, like Batman, fights with the backing of the City's chief of police.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction and image restoration.
Kindle Edition
Yojimbo Press LLC
September 07, 2014
The Spirit, Number 4, The Spirit Flirts with Death
In this fourth, action packed issue of The Spirit we join masked crusader, detective Denny Colt, in the following tales of adventure and crime fighting...
From his hideout in Wildwood Cemetery, sought by the police and feared by the underworld, the Spirit rises to unravel "The Secret of the Gold Hills". The highest bidder may win nothing but trouble in "The Auction". Ellen and her committee women take on Wilbur and his gang when they try to rob "The Children's Welfare Ball". The Spirit's sidekick goes on a date at the carnival in "On the Ferris Wheel". The bungling detectives Flatfoot and Burns solve a crime zooming down the tracks in "The Roller Coaster Crooks". Something awful goes bump in the dark "The House of Darkness" plus more.
Created and illustrated by Will Eisner in the forties, The Spirit is a masked crime fighter who, like Batman, fights with the backing of the City's chief of police.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction and image restoration.