Join a foxy, flirty blonde knockout named Torchy Todd in her premiere issue in the following stories...
There's more than leg of lamb for supper when Torchy has "Dinner at Shadywood Inn". Sam is a smooth talker who looks uncannily like Bob Hope in "Sam Brown Supersalesman". A game show host wants to be a winner with Torchy in "Play Off or Pay Off". Torchy's best friend becomes the chauffeur for a wealthy movie director in "The Millionaire's Driver", plus more and vintage advertisements.
Considered to be one of comic's sexiest heroines, Torchy Todd was created by artist Bill Ward in the forties. Torchy is a funny strip about a dame Bill Ward and his fellow soldiers dreamed of while fighting in World War II.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction, image restoration and has also added an enhanced reading experience with Kindle Panel View.
Join a foxy, flirty blonde knockout named Torchy Todd in her premiere issue in the following stories...
There's more than leg of lamb for supper when Torchy has "Dinner at Shadywood Inn". Sam is a smooth talker who looks uncannily like Bob Hope in "Sam Brown Supersalesman". A game show host wants to be a winner with Torchy in "Play Off or Pay Off". Torchy's best friend becomes the chauffeur for a wealthy movie director in "The Millionaire's Driver", plus more and vintage advertisements.
Considered to be one of comic's sexiest heroines, Torchy Todd was created by artist Bill Ward in the forties. Torchy is a funny strip about a dame Bill Ward and his fellow soldiers dreamed of while fighting in World War II.
Enjoy a nostalgic trip down memory lane with the best titles from the golden age of comics. Yojimbo Press has lovingly remastered these timeless classics with vivid color correction, image restoration and has also added an enhanced reading experience with Kindle Panel View.