Writing poetry has beenMy passion for many years.To me it's a beautiful wayTo express feelings ofLove, gratitude and Appreciation, to the Lord, to the family and friends.The poem on pageseighty five and eighty sixwas written in nineteenforty six, shortly aftermy discharge from theU.S. Army in WorldWar Two.Since that time andEspecially the last fewyears, God has blessedme tremendously with the spiritual anointingto write bible based versethat praise and honor HisSon, Jesus, the Christ.I count it a privilege andblessing to be able to sharewith you the work that God hasso graciously given me.He truly is my guiding light.Charles Martin
Writing poetry has beenMy passion for many years.To me it's a beautiful wayTo express feelings ofLove, gratitude and Appreciation, to the Lord, to the family and friends.The poem on pageseighty five and eighty sixwas written in nineteenforty six, shortly aftermy discharge from theU.S. Army in WorldWar Two.Since that time andEspecially the last fewyears, God has blessedme tremendously with the spiritual anointingto write bible based versethat praise and honor HisSon, Jesus, the Christ.I count it a privilege andblessing to be able to sharewith you the work that God hasso graciously given me.He truly is my guiding light.Charles Martin