"Who Am I This Time?" is a short story written by Kurt Vonnegut, published in the Saturday Evening Post in 1961. The story was collected in his anthology Welcome To The Monkey House.
The story centers on a character named Harry Nash, who is an extremely shy & characterless small-town man. However, whenever he takes a part in the local, amateur theater production he becomes the character to an overwhelming extent. Soon Helene Shaw, a recent addition to the town, falls in love with Nash--or with his character in the play.
"Who Am I This Time?" is a short story written by Kurt Vonnegut, published in the Saturday Evening Post in 1961. The story was collected in his anthology Welcome To The Monkey House.
The story centers on a character named Harry Nash, who is an extremely shy & characterless small-town man. However, whenever he takes a part in the local, amateur theater production he becomes the character to an overwhelming extent. Soon Helene Shaw, a recent addition to the town, falls in love with Nash--or with his character in the play.