A suspenseful romantic tale...with a heavenly touch. Emilie Dalton, fleeing Boston with her nieces and nephew, takes refuge from a bitter snowstorm in an old Victorian house. When the neighbors welcome her, assuming she is the mysterious owner, she goes along with the charade...and melts everyone's hearts, including the handsome police officer, Nathan Bishop. Yet dangerous secrets from her past return to threaten her new life -- and her love for Nathan -- until a little angel intervenes.
A suspenseful romantic tale...with a heavenly touch. Emilie Dalton, fleeing Boston with her nieces and nephew, takes refuge from a bitter snowstorm in an old Victorian house. When the neighbors welcome her, assuming she is the mysterious owner, she goes along with the charade...and melts everyone's hearts, including the handsome police officer, Nathan Bishop. Yet dangerous secrets from her past return to threaten her new life -- and her love for Nathan -- until a little angel intervenes.