October Descending was originally created as a yearly chronicle of my feelings during my fifties and early sixties as the fall season arrived. October is my favorite month of the year, a perfect time for reflection. They've been compiled here into one long work.
In My Last Night I pay homage to some of my favorite authors and artists with one Frank Lloyd Wright. I used to admire his architectural work but changed my mind after visiting Taliesin West and feeling like I was entering a rabbit hole. In Motion and Impressions group short, medium, and longer poems written over my lifetime that are eclectic in subject and serious, silly, and odd.
All the poems are free form with no pretense of writing by the rules even if I knew them.
October Descending was originally created as a yearly chronicle of my feelings during my fifties and early sixties as the fall season arrived. October is my favorite month of the year, a perfect time for reflection. They've been compiled here into one long work.
In My Last Night I pay homage to some of my favorite authors and artists with one Frank Lloyd Wright. I used to admire his architectural work but changed my mind after visiting Taliesin West and feeling like I was entering a rabbit hole. In Motion and Impressions group short, medium, and longer poems written over my lifetime that are eclectic in subject and serious, silly, and odd.
All the poems are free form with no pretense of writing by the rules even if I knew them.