This is the fourth anthology of winning and highly recommended short stories written by budding authors from around the world. Collected and edited by the Glittery Literary Team for your enjoyment, this anthology contains a variety of pieces from a variety of genres: sci-fi, horror, literary, romance, mystery, thriller, historical...
Glittery Literary is a writing project run by literary nerd volunteers. Profit from our optional entry fees goes to charities fighting child poverty in the UK.
This is the fourth anthology of winning and highly recommended short stories written by budding authors from around the world. Collected and edited by the Glittery Literary Team for your enjoyment, this anthology contains a variety of pieces from a variety of genres: sci-fi, horror, literary, romance, mystery, thriller, historical...
Glittery Literary is a writing project run by literary nerd volunteers. Profit from our optional entry fees goes to charities fighting child poverty in the UK.