There are no stories of walking uphill to and from school through three feet of snow. There are no complaints of having it tough growing up. These are happy memories of how we lived, our different perspectives of the same events, and events big and small, which shaped our lives as they are today. We hope the grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and all the subsequent generations who get to read these memories will find a greater understanding of how we lived, what we thought, and how simple life was way back when. We always had a roof over our heads, warm clean beds to sleep in, clothes on our backs, shoes on our feet, and deliciously prepared food on the table. Life was good.
April 07, 2014
Book of Memories: Written by the children of William Skinner and Vera Davidson Skinner
There are no stories of walking uphill to and from school through three feet of snow. There are no complaints of having it tough growing up. These are happy memories of how we lived, our different perspectives of the same events, and events big and small, which shaped our lives as they are today. We hope the grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and all the subsequent generations who get to read these memories will find a greater understanding of how we lived, what we thought, and how simple life was way back when. We always had a roof over our heads, warm clean beds to sleep in, clothes on our backs, shoes on our feet, and deliciously prepared food on the table. Life was good.