In this story, Shaka Zulu, a great warrior and powerful king, finds that despite his many talents, he is the only king in the nearby kingdoms who cannot dance. Being unable to match the dancing talents of those around him and with the Zulu disco around the corner, he feels the pressure to find a beat that could work with his two left feet! With friendship, kindness and a sprinkle of confidence, Shaka Zulu finds a groove that’s truly his.
Shaka Zulu Learns to Dance is a fun and inspirational story based on Shaka Zulu, the strong leader of the Zulu Empire. A great king who wants to learn how to dance and embrace his unique style.
In this story, Shaka Zulu, a great warrior and powerful king, finds that despite his many talents, he is the only king in the nearby kingdoms who cannot dance. Being unable to match the dancing talents of those around him and with the Zulu disco around the corner, he feels the pressure to find a beat that could work with his two left feet! With friendship, kindness and a sprinkle of confidence, Shaka Zulu finds a groove that’s truly his.
Shaka Zulu Learns to Dance is a fun and inspirational story based on Shaka Zulu, the strong leader of the Zulu Empire. A great king who wants to learn how to dance and embrace his unique style.