In 1996, the undead killer known as Agent Orange escaped the confines of the walled-off town of Morgan for what became known as the Sandalwood Slaughter. In response, the government evacuated Sandalwood and expanded the wall around it. Access to the so-called Kill Zone is forbidden...but not impossible
Twenty years later, Prowlers like Evan guide small groups into the mysterious territory. He agrees to take a fellow Sandalwood exile back to their lost home, but they won't be alone for long. Five college students are also attempting a dangerous challenge known as the Gauntlet. When their paths cross with a desperate group exploiting Morgan's unnatural phenomena for a miracle cure, all their objectives will become the same: Survive the inhuman slayer always on the hunt for heads to mount in his domain.
Six years after Reincarnage comes the standalone, hyperviolent follow-up from Ryan Harding and Jason Taverner . Greater suspense, higher stakes, and a massive gore quotient befitting the trap-and-kill mayhem of the newest slasher icon.
He knows they're inside, there's nowhere he won't find them, and there's no death that would pass with an R rating. The only way to exit is going piece by piece...
In 1996, the undead killer known as Agent Orange escaped the confines of the walled-off town of Morgan for what became known as the Sandalwood Slaughter. In response, the government evacuated Sandalwood and expanded the wall around it. Access to the so-called Kill Zone is forbidden...but not impossible
Twenty years later, Prowlers like Evan guide small groups into the mysterious territory. He agrees to take a fellow Sandalwood exile back to their lost home, but they won't be alone for long. Five college students are also attempting a dangerous challenge known as the Gauntlet. When their paths cross with a desperate group exploiting Morgan's unnatural phenomena for a miracle cure, all their objectives will become the same: Survive the inhuman slayer always on the hunt for heads to mount in his domain.
Six years after Reincarnage comes the standalone, hyperviolent follow-up from Ryan Harding and Jason Taverner . Greater suspense, higher stakes, and a massive gore quotient befitting the trap-and-kill mayhem of the newest slasher icon.
He knows they're inside, there's nowhere he won't find them, and there's no death that would pass with an R rating. The only way to exit is going piece by piece...