The Adventures of the Cow Bayou Boys is a series based off of Kaitlynn Elette’s kids that are growing up on their farm off the banks of Cow Bayou. In this particular book, The Adventures of the Cow Bayou Boy Clark and the Cow Bayou Grinnell, the reader gets to read the story of how Boy Clark and Luke the Duke, sneak out to go fishing. It tells how they find their bait, encounter a wild animal and have to protect themselves. Afterwards, it tells of their time fishing, and the catch of a lifetime. It’s the tale of two brother’s adventures and being caught sneaking out.
Kindle Edition
February 15, 2021
The Adventures of The Cow Bayou Boys: Boy Clark and The Cow Bayou Grinnell
The Adventures of the Cow Bayou Boys is a series based off of Kaitlynn Elette’s kids that are growing up on their farm off the banks of Cow Bayou. In this particular book, The Adventures of the Cow Bayou Boy Clark and the Cow Bayou Grinnell, the reader gets to read the story of how Boy Clark and Luke the Duke, sneak out to go fishing. It tells how they find their bait, encounter a wild animal and have to protect themselves. Afterwards, it tells of their time fishing, and the catch of a lifetime. It’s the tale of two brother’s adventures and being caught sneaking out.