Option credit spread strategy is one of the best ways to take advantage of the stock market’s complex behavior.
In this Credit Spread Options Book, you will
- The 8 criteria we use to select the best stocks to write credit spreads
- The vital difference between naked and uncovered calls
- 10 examples of stock you should never use to trade credit spreads. Amateurs do this all the time and you can lose as much as $31,000 on a single trade. Learn why these stocks are so dangerous and what to do instead
- How to automatically set up take profit levels so you only have to spend a couple of minutes each month managing your trades
- Options Greeks explained in 10 minutes
- Exactly what level the VIX should be at before you sell a spread. A backtest implementing this one tweak made the strategy 50% more profitable over 10 years worth of trades
- A simple strategy for selecting the right strike price for your options
- The only 3 technical indicators you need to know for credit spreads. Ignore everything else, you only need these 3 beginner-friendly metrics to get started
- No strategy is risk-free, but on page 101 we show you how to set up your trades to avoid any big losses
- How to find the best credit spreads stocks for free. Stock scanning services will charge you $300 a year for this information, but our approach costs nothing and lists the exact same companies
So, you would finally realize that options analysis and trading is not rocket science but rather an efficient way to successfully trade the dynamic stock market.
Kindle Edition
February 06, 2021
The Options Playbook: How To Trade Low-Risk Option Spreads For High Income And Large Returns: Stocks For Beginners Dummies
Option credit spread strategy is one of the best ways to take advantage of the stock market’s complex behavior.
In this Credit Spread Options Book, you will
- The 8 criteria we use to select the best stocks to write credit spreads
- The vital difference between naked and uncovered calls
- 10 examples of stock you should never use to trade credit spreads. Amateurs do this all the time and you can lose as much as $31,000 on a single trade. Learn why these stocks are so dangerous and what to do instead
- How to automatically set up take profit levels so you only have to spend a couple of minutes each month managing your trades
- Options Greeks explained in 10 minutes
- Exactly what level the VIX should be at before you sell a spread. A backtest implementing this one tweak made the strategy 50% more profitable over 10 years worth of trades
- A simple strategy for selecting the right strike price for your options
- The only 3 technical indicators you need to know for credit spreads. Ignore everything else, you only need these 3 beginner-friendly metrics to get started
- No strategy is risk-free, but on page 101 we show you how to set up your trades to avoid any big losses
- How to find the best credit spreads stocks for free. Stock scanning services will charge you $300 a year for this information, but our approach costs nothing and lists the exact same companies
So, you would finally realize that options analysis and trading is not rocket science but rather an efficient way to successfully trade the dynamic stock market.