Written by former MTV Real World roommate Judd Winick, this incredible odyssey documents Green Lantern's rise to near godhood and his resultant struggles with his new infinite powers. After defeating his arch nemesis Nero, Green Lantern gains the power of his enemy as well that of every Green Lantern who has ever worn a power ring. Wielding such ultimate power, Green Lantern christens himself Ion and begins to use his godlike abilities in morally questionable ways. Now as Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash begin to distrust their teammate, the former Green Lantern must come to terms with his new capabilities or risk losing everything he has.
Written by former MTV Real World roommate Judd Winick, this incredible odyssey documents Green Lantern's rise to near godhood and his resultant struggles with his new infinite powers. After defeating his arch nemesis Nero, Green Lantern gains the power of his enemy as well that of every Green Lantern who has ever worn a power ring. Wielding such ultimate power, Green Lantern christens himself Ion and begins to use his godlike abilities in morally questionable ways. Now as Superman, Wonder Woman, and the Flash begin to distrust their teammate, the former Green Lantern must come to terms with his new capabilities or risk losing everything he has.