Here is a selection of intriguing characters for the Dragon Warriors RPG, ranging from the powerful to the obscure, nobles and beggars, figures from folklore, and others with strange and dangerous motives. They include:
Ealdun the Fool, dwarf jester and master of secrets at the court of King Haldric.
Sister Dominique, leader of the heretical Novan sect, pitted against the leadersof the True Faith and the noted witch-burner Father Alessandro.
Rakov, Magus Lim, one of the ruling Magi of the city of Krarth - and a voracious vampire commanding a host of undead.
Tuanku, beautiful diplomat and 53rd wife of the Emir of Marazid... who appears to have a nail embedded in the back of her neck.
Plus 33 other unique characters to bring interest, adventure and a little chaos to your game.
Friends or Foes presents thirty-seven of the most colourful NPCs from the Lands of Legend, each one ready to be used in your game, to set your players' characters off on adventure, help them in their hour of need - or stab them in the back.
Every character is given a full history, description, motivations, game stats and equipment. They also have a selection of adventure - seeds and connections to other characters in this book and elsewhere in the Dragon Warriors universe.
All the characters in the book are interlinked in a network of relationships, intrigue, past dealings, betrayals, distrust and ambition. They form a web across the world, making it easy to build a believable setting for the game, create adventures on the fly, and bring the Lands of Legend to life.
Friends or Foes also has information on creating interesting hirelings, stats for a host of general NPC types from soldiers to drunks, and great new artwork from Jon Hodgson and Scott Neil.
Here is a selection of intriguing characters for the Dragon Warriors RPG, ranging from the powerful to the obscure, nobles and beggars, figures from folklore, and others with strange and dangerous motives. They include:
Ealdun the Fool, dwarf jester and master of secrets at the court of King Haldric.
Sister Dominique, leader of the heretical Novan sect, pitted against the leadersof the True Faith and the noted witch-burner Father Alessandro.
Rakov, Magus Lim, one of the ruling Magi of the city of Krarth - and a voracious vampire commanding a host of undead.
Tuanku, beautiful diplomat and 53rd wife of the Emir of Marazid... who appears to have a nail embedded in the back of her neck.
Plus 33 other unique characters to bring interest, adventure and a little chaos to your game.
Friends or Foes presents thirty-seven of the most colourful NPCs from the Lands of Legend, each one ready to be used in your game, to set your players' characters off on adventure, help them in their hour of need - or stab them in the back.
Every character is given a full history, description, motivations, game stats and equipment. They also have a selection of adventure - seeds and connections to other characters in this book and elsewhere in the Dragon Warriors universe.
All the characters in the book are interlinked in a network of relationships, intrigue, past dealings, betrayals, distrust and ambition. They form a web across the world, making it easy to build a believable setting for the game, create adventures on the fly, and bring the Lands of Legend to life.
Friends or Foes also has information on creating interesting hirelings, stats for a host of general NPC types from soldiers to drunks, and great new artwork from Jon Hodgson and Scott Neil.