Every job needs an organisation chart, so that everyone knows who does what and where they fit in personally, who they report to, etc., etc. Preparation has to begin at an early stage and continue often for several weeks or months, both in order to select and get people on notice to mobilise and to estimate their time costs to the project. In the old days a draftsman could spend many hours drawing and frequently changing names etc but today a manager can do the whole exercise with the aid of e-tool-2 and if essential only have an 'artistic' version created when finally satisfied with the result.
Kindle Edition
January 22, 2020
2. CREATING AN ORGANIGRAM: your URL + notes for e-tool-2, a TCF calculator/algorithm for multi-faceted construction projects. (Construction e-tools)
Every job needs an organisation chart, so that everyone knows who does what and where they fit in personally, who they report to, etc., etc. Preparation has to begin at an early stage and continue often for several weeks or months, both in order to select and get people on notice to mobilise and to estimate their time costs to the project. In the old days a draftsman could spend many hours drawing and frequently changing names etc but today a manager can do the whole exercise with the aid of e-tool-2 and if essential only have an 'artistic' version created when finally satisfied with the result.