This is the relaunch series of Ex-Mutants originally produced by Eternal Comics, and Amazing Comics. The relaunch was made to adapt the Ex-Mutants story for the Sega Genesis video game market. The comic and the game have a striking number of simularities characterization, design, storyline, etc.
Set in a Post-Apocalyptic world Professor Kildare looks to stop Boss Sluggo from enslaving humans. Professor Kildare saves 6 teenagers and vows to defeat Boss Sluggo at every turn. The first three issues seem to be one short story. Readers can stop here.
This is the relaunch series of Ex-Mutants originally produced by Eternal Comics, and Amazing Comics. The relaunch was made to adapt the Ex-Mutants story for the Sega Genesis video game market. The comic and the game have a striking number of simularities characterization, design, storyline, etc.
Set in a Post-Apocalyptic world Professor Kildare looks to stop Boss Sluggo from enslaving humans. Professor Kildare saves 6 teenagers and vows to defeat Boss Sluggo at every turn. The first three issues seem to be one short story. Readers can stop here.