This is the relaunch series of Ex-Mutants originally produced by Eternal Comics, and Amazing Comics. The relaunch was made to adapt the Ex-Mutants story for the Sega Genesis video game market. The comic and the game have a striking number of simularities characterization, design, storyline, etc.
Set in a Post-Apocalyptic world Professor Kildare looks to stop Boss Sluggo from enslaving humans. Professor Kildare saves 6 teenagers and vows to defeat Boss Sluggo at every turn.
This is the relaunch series of Ex-Mutants originally produced by Eternal Comics, and Amazing Comics. The relaunch was made to adapt the Ex-Mutants story for the Sega Genesis video game market. The comic and the game have a striking number of simularities characterization, design, storyline, etc.
Set in a Post-Apocalyptic world Professor Kildare looks to stop Boss Sluggo from enslaving humans. Professor Kildare saves 6 teenagers and vows to defeat Boss Sluggo at every turn.