ELDORADO or ‘El Dorado’ , a mythical city of gold sought by the Spanish Conquistadores in the interior of America, in the springs of the rivers, in the middle of the Amazon Forest – a search that often ended with the madness and the destruction. The expeditions was always on the trail of a mirage that fell on the horizon, forever unreachable as a dream, a feverish fancy. The fantastic gleaming empires that melt in the air appear in this last volume of The Ashes of the Cities. The brief volume begins with the pulsating shadows and enigmatic structures built by Krzysztof Fijalkowski in his ‘Nov Ys’ tale. Then in ‘The Plazas of Madness’, Luiz Nazario presents us a builder that works with the dream and the nightmare in the city unit par excellence – the square. Finally, a brief sequence of photos of Fernando Klabin, depicting unusual angles of various European cities, evokes the absolute solitude of a narrative by Thomas Bailey Aldrich.
ELDORADO or ‘El Dorado’ , a mythical city of gold sought by the Spanish Conquistadores in the interior of America, in the springs of the rivers, in the middle of the Amazon Forest – a search that often ended with the madness and the destruction. The expeditions was always on the trail of a mirage that fell on the horizon, forever unreachable as a dream, a feverish fancy. The fantastic gleaming empires that melt in the air appear in this last volume of The Ashes of the Cities. The brief volume begins with the pulsating shadows and enigmatic structures built by Krzysztof Fijalkowski in his ‘Nov Ys’ tale. Then in ‘The Plazas of Madness’, Luiz Nazario presents us a builder that works with the dream and the nightmare in the city unit par excellence – the square. Finally, a brief sequence of photos of Fernando Klabin, depicting unusual angles of various European cities, evokes the absolute solitude of a narrative by Thomas Bailey Aldrich.