These are the stories and adventures of a young African-American man named Deacon Foster, a Detective who was chosen by God to speak His word boldly and courageously in the face of opposition. God has given him strength and sight into the spiritual realm, to battle the schemes and strategies of Satan, as well as battle the evil spirits that followed him and were banished from heaven. Deacon is the voice of Biblical perspective on controversial issues in today’s society. He exemplifies a man of godly character and integrity; and will be an example of Jesus’ love and accountability. Deacon is in a battle against crime in the city of Atlanta, but knows the influence behind it all is of evil spiritual origin. On the opposite side of the spectrum we have Drexler Cohen, a powerful business owner with political influence who is setting up the world to receive the Anti-Christ. He is behind the chaos, violence, and crime throughout the world. So much so, that the world will seek peace from anywhere. Cohen is essentially under the influence of an evil spirit who is high ranking in Satan’s army of fallen angels. As Deacon wars against crime and evil spirits, we also see aspects of his Christian walk in his personal life, his willingness to serve, and his love and compassion for others. He will soon discover that his purpose is bigger than the city of Atlanta.
These are the stories and adventures of a young African-American man named Deacon Foster, a Detective who was chosen by God to speak His word boldly and courageously in the face of opposition. God has given him strength and sight into the spiritual realm, to battle the schemes and strategies of Satan, as well as battle the evil spirits that followed him and were banished from heaven. Deacon is the voice of Biblical perspective on controversial issues in today’s society. He exemplifies a man of godly character and integrity; and will be an example of Jesus’ love and accountability. Deacon is in a battle against crime in the city of Atlanta, but knows the influence behind it all is of evil spiritual origin. On the opposite side of the spectrum we have Drexler Cohen, a powerful business owner with political influence who is setting up the world to receive the Anti-Christ. He is behind the chaos, violence, and crime throughout the world. So much so, that the world will seek peace from anywhere. Cohen is essentially under the influence of an evil spirit who is high ranking in Satan’s army of fallen angels. As Deacon wars against crime and evil spirits, we also see aspects of his Christian walk in his personal life, his willingness to serve, and his love and compassion for others. He will soon discover that his purpose is bigger than the city of Atlanta.