Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show, Issue 65 - October 2018
[IGMS Issue 65, October 2018]
"Letter From the Editor" by Scott M. Roberts
"Coachwhip and Wade, Hex-tamers for Hire" by Tony Pi and K.G. Jewell
"Nwanyi Enwe Eze " by Jonathan Edelstein
"The Late Mr. Folsom's Luminosity Shop" by Megan Lee Beals
"Gods of War" by Steve Pantazis
"'Til Devil Do Us Part" by Jamie Gilman Kress
[IGMS Audio]
Jamie Gilman Kress's "'Til Devil Do Us Part" read by Alethea Kontis
[IGMS Interviews]
"InterGalactic Interview With "Marlowe"" by Randall Hayes
[Vintage Fiction]
"Yuca and Dominoes" by José Pablo Iriarte
[Bonus Material]
"The Story Behind the Stories" by Tony Pi and K.G. Jewell
"The Story Behind the Stories" by Jonathan Edelstein
"The Story Behind the Stories" by Steve Pantazis
Orson Scott Card's InterGalactic Medicine Show, Issue 65 - October 2018
[IGMS Issue 65, October 2018]
"Letter From the Editor" by Scott M. Roberts
"Coachwhip and Wade, Hex-tamers for Hire" by Tony Pi and K.G. Jewell
"Nwanyi Enwe Eze " by Jonathan Edelstein
"The Late Mr. Folsom's Luminosity Shop" by Megan Lee Beals
"Gods of War" by Steve Pantazis
"'Til Devil Do Us Part" by Jamie Gilman Kress
[IGMS Audio]
Jamie Gilman Kress's "'Til Devil Do Us Part" read by Alethea Kontis
[IGMS Interviews]
"InterGalactic Interview With "Marlowe"" by Randall Hayes
[Vintage Fiction]
"Yuca and Dominoes" by José Pablo Iriarte
[Bonus Material]
"The Story Behind the Stories" by Tony Pi and K.G. Jewell
"The Story Behind the Stories" by Jonathan Edelstein
"The Story Behind the Stories" by Steve Pantazis