We need to stop playing the numbers game: focusing on getting bodies in the pews will do nothing to stem the decline; the attractional model is dead. Grabbing hold of the disruptive nature offered by Jesus of Nazareth and realizing the deep missional reality of our faith will open hearts to the possibilities. Focusing on numbers, makes people feel like a commodity and will do nothing. It’s only when we take a truly innovative approach of living as an Avatar of Christ in our Cities can we truly see the possibilities facing us.
We need to stop playing the numbers game: focusing on getting bodies in the pews will do nothing to stem the decline; the attractional model is dead. Grabbing hold of the disruptive nature offered by Jesus of Nazareth and realizing the deep missional reality of our faith will open hearts to the possibilities. Focusing on numbers, makes people feel like a commodity and will do nothing. It’s only when we take a truly innovative approach of living as an Avatar of Christ in our Cities can we truly see the possibilities facing us.