Heartless, mechanical cruelty meets dogged human courage and perseverance! In the aftermath of the events in James Cameron's The Terminator , John Connor sends a strike team into the past to destroy Cyberdyne, the company that will eventually create the world-controlling computer Skynet. But the machines counter by sending a team of Terminators to block the attempt--turning Los Angeles into a war zone!
Before Terminator 2: Judgment Day or any of the other film sequels, Dark Horse Comics carried the torch for the Terminator saga, creating a continuity that carried the action across the world and across time. The story in this volume, by John Arcudi and Chris Warner, paved the way for a rich parade of sequel tales.
Also included in this volume: The Terminator: One Shot, by writer James Robinson and artist Matt Wagner! Introduction by John Arcudi.
October 24, 2017
The Terminator: The Original Comics Series-Tempest and One Shot
Heartless, mechanical cruelty meets dogged human courage and perseverance! In the aftermath of the events in James Cameron's The Terminator , John Connor sends a strike team into the past to destroy Cyberdyne, the company that will eventually create the world-controlling computer Skynet. But the machines counter by sending a team of Terminators to block the attempt--turning Los Angeles into a war zone!
Before Terminator 2: Judgment Day or any of the other film sequels, Dark Horse Comics carried the torch for the Terminator saga, creating a continuity that carried the action across the world and across time. The story in this volume, by John Arcudi and Chris Warner, paved the way for a rich parade of sequel tales.
Also included in this volume: The Terminator: One Shot, by writer James Robinson and artist Matt Wagner! Introduction by John Arcudi.