SRPR celebrates a poetics of emplacement: writing that reveals the borders of our comfort zones as sites of connection rather than irreconcilable difference. In this spirit, each issue of SRPR features a poet with an Illinois connection as well as a variety of poems that often experiment with and sometimes cut the moorings by which we feel tethered to the known. Additional highlights include “The SRPR Interview,” an in-depth conversation with our featured poet, as well as “The SRPR Review Essay,” a long article by an established poet-critic on new books of poetry and relevant conversations in contemporary poetics.
January 01, 2016
SRPR, Spoon River Poetry Review, 41.2, Winter 2016
SRPR celebrates a poetics of emplacement: writing that reveals the borders of our comfort zones as sites of connection rather than irreconcilable difference. In this spirit, each issue of SRPR features a poet with an Illinois connection as well as a variety of poems that often experiment with and sometimes cut the moorings by which we feel tethered to the known. Additional highlights include “The SRPR Interview,” an in-depth conversation with our featured poet, as well as “The SRPR Review Essay,” a long article by an established poet-critic on new books of poetry and relevant conversations in contemporary poetics.