This light-hearted and entertaining Parents' Survival Guide to the IB is full of sound practical advice for parents helping to guide their children through the IB DIploma programme. Covering topics from choosing IB subjects, to time management, to revision and exam preparation, to applying to universities and colleges, to managing friendship issues, to knowing what to pack when leaving home, it is both comprehensive and fun to read. A must for any parent who wants to help their children through the IB, but on occasions is not completely sure how to. This text is full of empathy warmth and practical advice that can apply to any post 16 exam based course.
This light-hearted and entertaining Parents' Survival Guide to the IB is full of sound practical advice for parents helping to guide their children through the IB DIploma programme. Covering topics from choosing IB subjects, to time management, to revision and exam preparation, to applying to universities and colleges, to managing friendship issues, to knowing what to pack when leaving home, it is both comprehensive and fun to read. A must for any parent who wants to help their children through the IB, but on occasions is not completely sure how to. This text is full of empathy warmth and practical advice that can apply to any post 16 exam based course.