Our lives are filled with moments of celebration and moments of mourning. At times we are filled with great joy and at other times with great sorrow. The book of Psalms—one of the most read books of the Bible—is filled with an incredible range of emotions—from exuberant praise to the depths of despair. We experience similar joys, difficulties, and emotions in our own lives, and are invited to approach God the same way the psalmists did. Helping us understand how the original context of each psalm impacts how we apply it, Lydia Brownback guides us to see God's unfolding plan for our lives through the lens of Scripture. In doing so, she helps us see that the psalms speak to our joys and struggles by showing us God himself—our faithful refuge, strength, guide, and protector.
Our lives are filled with moments of celebration and moments of mourning. At times we are filled with great joy and at other times with great sorrow. The book of Psalms—one of the most read books of the Bible—is filled with an incredible range of emotions—from exuberant praise to the depths of despair. We experience similar joys, difficulties, and emotions in our own lives, and are invited to approach God the same way the psalmists did. Helping us understand how the original context of each psalm impacts how we apply it, Lydia Brownback guides us to see God's unfolding plan for our lives through the lens of Scripture. In doing so, she helps us see that the psalms speak to our joys and struggles by showing us God himself—our faithful refuge, strength, guide, and protector.