Mysterious events surrounding artifacts from an ancient war have begun taking place in the Kingdom of Volerum. The King and Queen have vanished, and their Royal Mage has been killed. Now the heir to the throne prepares for her coronation while suspicions turn to a member of the kingdom's magical order, and a dark force rises over the Kingdom of Volerum...
Kindle Edition
Eric James Allred Porter
August 04, 2012
The Ages of Volerum: The Wands, the End of the Second Age
Mysterious events surrounding artifacts from an ancient war have begun taking place in the Kingdom of Volerum. The King and Queen have vanished, and their Royal Mage has been killed. Now the heir to the throne prepares for her coronation while suspicions turn to a member of the kingdom's magical order, and a dark force rises over the Kingdom of Volerum...