In the world of Laura Lam’s False Hearts, this mysterious little commune outside San Francisco exists in stark contrast to the biotech “perfection” of the not-too-distant future. It rejects outsiders and modernity both with irritating success, like a splinter beneath the skin, or a defiant middle finger. Those of the Hearth offer only the occasional glimpse of life within. But take care that you take nothing for granted during your visit. What you’re about to see is only the tip of a very, very deep iceberg.
In the world of Laura Lam’s False Hearts, this mysterious little commune outside San Francisco exists in stark contrast to the biotech “perfection” of the not-too-distant future. It rejects outsiders and modernity both with irritating success, like a splinter beneath the skin, or a defiant middle finger. Those of the Hearth offer only the occasional glimpse of life within. But take care that you take nothing for granted during your visit. What you’re about to see is only the tip of a very, very deep iceberg.