Tennis is the great common denominator of our time. In 100 Years of Tennis at the Hotel del Coronado author Ben Press shares memories, photographs and anecdotes from a vigorous array of presidents, athletes, movie stars and celebrities, all caught trying to find a better way to hit the tennis ball.
The setting for this memoir is right out of Camelot, Shangri-La or the Garden of Eden. There, poised between the roaring Pacific Ocean and the elegant Victorian Hotel del Coronado, the scene plays out over the period of a century, and Ben Press captures it all as articulately and crisply as a well hit topspin backhand.
Tennis is the great common denominator of our time. In 100 Years of Tennis at the Hotel del Coronado author Ben Press shares memories, photographs and anecdotes from a vigorous array of presidents, athletes, movie stars and celebrities, all caught trying to find a better way to hit the tennis ball.
The setting for this memoir is right out of Camelot, Shangri-La or the Garden of Eden. There, poised between the roaring Pacific Ocean and the elegant Victorian Hotel del Coronado, the scene plays out over the period of a century, and Ben Press captures it all as articulately and crisply as a well hit topspin backhand.