تحكي القصة عن فتىً يعيش وحيداً بعد أن فقد والديه في البحر قبل عام تقريباً، ومنذ ذلك الحين وهو ينتظر أن يسمع عنهما خبراً من “كيمو”، مذياع صديقه “مرّو” عامل النظافة في الحارة.
The book tells a story about a kid that lives by himself after he has lost his parents in the sea about a year ago. Since then, he has been waiting to hear their news from “Kimo”, the Radio of his friend “Mirro” the cleaning man in the neighborhood.
تحكي القصة عن فتىً يعيش وحيداً بعد أن فقد والديه في البحر قبل عام تقريباً، ومنذ ذلك الحين وهو ينتظر أن يسمع عنهما خبراً من “كيمو”، مذياع صديقه “مرّو” عامل النظافة في الحارة.
The book tells a story about a kid that lives by himself after he has lost his parents in the sea about a year ago. Since then, he has been waiting to hear their news from “Kimo”, the Radio of his friend “Mirro” the cleaning man in the neighborhood.