From the pages of THE SANDMAN...Lucifer Morningstar returns to Hell in this fifth collection of the acclaimed LUCIFER series, reprinting issues #29-35. Still weak, with most of his power locked in the feathers stolen by Susano-O-No-Mikoto, Lucifer must now face the challenge of single combat to the death with his brother, the angel of the Host Amenadiel. But as Mazikeen hunts for Susano and Lucifer plans his strategy, angels and devils alike are plotting for his defeat even before the challenge has begun!
From the pages of THE SANDMAN...Lucifer Morningstar returns to Hell in this fifth collection of the acclaimed LUCIFER series, reprinting issues #29-35. Still weak, with most of his power locked in the feathers stolen by Susano-O-No-Mikoto, Lucifer must now face the challenge of single combat to the death with his brother, the angel of the Host Amenadiel. But as Mazikeen hunts for Susano and Lucifer plans his strategy, angels and devils alike are plotting for his defeat even before the challenge has begun!