In the Dream World, power and adventure belong to the Lucid Dreamers, while Night Terrors haunt the troubled and the helpless. A lucky few are watched over by mysterious guardians. The protectors of our shared unconscious lives are known as...
...Dream Walkers.
Latchkey brothers Jonas and Alan Anderson have discovered a Universe beyond our own, one that can only be reached through dreams. A tangible world filled with fantastic and frightening things, accessible only to those lucky few with the ability to lucid dream. There, they will find not only mind-blowing adventure, but the key to a vast secret history and their role in the protection of The Waking World.
Conceived and written by Multi-platinum recording artist Tom DeLonge and Ben Kull , and illustrated by animation sensation Djet, this original comic series reveals an epic, ageless race for Immortality, Power, and Purpose.
The comic book prequel to the award-winning animated short film!
In the Dream World, power and adventure belong to the Lucid Dreamers, while Night Terrors haunt the troubled and the helpless. A lucky few are watched over by mysterious guardians. The protectors of our shared unconscious lives are known as...
...Dream Walkers.
Latchkey brothers Jonas and Alan Anderson have discovered a Universe beyond our own, one that can only be reached through dreams. A tangible world filled with fantastic and frightening things, accessible only to those lucky few with the ability to lucid dream. There, they will find not only mind-blowing adventure, but the key to a vast secret history and their role in the protection of The Waking World.
Conceived and written by Multi-platinum recording artist Tom DeLonge and Ben Kull , and illustrated by animation sensation Djet, this original comic series reveals an epic, ageless race for Immortality, Power, and Purpose.
The comic book prequel to the award-winning animated short film!