Explore the dark caverns of the unknown in this collection of unspeakable horror...
'His grey and pink brains oozed from his shattered skull and trickled down his eyeless face...' - The Gibbet Inn, Carl Schiffman.
'He died as the negro's fingers closed over his liver and wrenched it free...' - Flayed, Harry E. Turner.
'The rats were gigantic, as high as three feet and dragged themselves forward with hideous eagerness.' - Graveyard Shift, Stephen King.
Just a taste of the stark terror that awaits you in these fourteen tales of the gruesome and the macabre - so beware of fitful slumber and be sure to awake after the ghouls of the night have carried away your screaming nightmares for ever...
Explore the dark caverns of the unknown in this collection of unspeakable horror...
'His grey and pink brains oozed from his shattered skull and trickled down his eyeless face...' - The Gibbet Inn, Carl Schiffman.
'He died as the negro's fingers closed over his liver and wrenched it free...' - Flayed, Harry E. Turner.
'The rats were gigantic, as high as three feet and dragged themselves forward with hideous eagerness.' - Graveyard Shift, Stephen King.
Just a taste of the stark terror that awaits you in these fourteen tales of the gruesome and the macabre - so beware of fitful slumber and be sure to awake after the ghouls of the night have carried away your screaming nightmares for ever...