"Avataars: Covenant of the Shield is a three-issue comic book mini-series, published by Marvel Comics in 2000. The series is written by Len Kaminski and pencilled by Oscar Jimenez and Javier Saltares.
Set in a sword and sorcery version of the Marvel Universe Earth, it features alternative versions of Marvel characters such as Spider-Man, Captain America, Doctor Doom, and the X-Men.
Avataars: Covenant of the Shield was initially intended as a twelve-issue project featuring the established Marvel characters in a fantasy setting, but the story that was originally planned was never published. Marvel was in financial trouble at the time, and a twelve-issue series was not considered viable, so the creative team instead produced a three-issue prologue to the main saga, an unsuccessful attempt to generate sufficient interest in a longer story."
"Avataars: Covenant of the Shield is a three-issue comic book mini-series, published by Marvel Comics in 2000. The series is written by Len Kaminski and pencilled by Oscar Jimenez and Javier Saltares.
Set in a sword and sorcery version of the Marvel Universe Earth, it features alternative versions of Marvel characters such as Spider-Man, Captain America, Doctor Doom, and the X-Men.
Avataars: Covenant of the Shield was initially intended as a twelve-issue project featuring the established Marvel characters in a fantasy setting, but the story that was originally planned was never published. Marvel was in financial trouble at the time, and a twelve-issue series was not considered viable, so the creative team instead produced a three-issue prologue to the main saga, an unsuccessful attempt to generate sufficient interest in a longer story."