A hundred years before this story unfolds, a teenage couple from this tiny Ozark village, was drowned while crossing a river during a storm as they eloped. The son of a miner, the boy wasn't good enough for her father – the owner of the mines – and he forbade the relationship Recently, her ghost, patiently awaiting her lover’s return, has begun appearing in a window on the second floor of the long closed mansion where she and her family had lived. The sounds of her beloved’s ghost can be heard as it continues to work the mines beneath the mansion. Marc Miller arrives to investigate the sightings and is helped by an insistent, self-appointed, young assistant. He understands he is not welcome there – so what’s new – still, he works to clear things up, solving several mysteries that come along tangential to the primary story.
Kindle Edition
September 26, 2013
The Ghosts of Rutherford Mansion (Marc Miller: ghost writer Book 5)
A hundred years before this story unfolds, a teenage couple from this tiny Ozark village, was drowned while crossing a river during a storm as they eloped. The son of a miner, the boy wasn't good enough for her father – the owner of the mines – and he forbade the relationship Recently, her ghost, patiently awaiting her lover’s return, has begun appearing in a window on the second floor of the long closed mansion where she and her family had lived. The sounds of her beloved’s ghost can be heard as it continues to work the mines beneath the mansion. Marc Miller arrives to investigate the sightings and is helped by an insistent, self-appointed, young assistant. He understands he is not welcome there – so what’s new – still, he works to clear things up, solving several mysteries that come along tangential to the primary story.