The Spider Tapestries, Mike Allen's sophomore short story collection, takes a wrecking ball to genre boundaries, showcasing seven stories that mix transhuman noir, Lovecraftian horror, and surrealistic sorcery in an exploration of the further reaches of the Weird. Readers who savored the disorienting strangeness in Allen's debut collection Unseaming, a Shirley Jackson Award finalist and horror fiction bestseller, will find The Spider Tapestries begins where Unseaming left off.
The Spider Tapestries, Mike Allen's sophomore short story collection, takes a wrecking ball to genre boundaries, showcasing seven stories that mix transhuman noir, Lovecraftian horror, and surrealistic sorcery in an exploration of the further reaches of the Weird. Readers who savored the disorienting strangeness in Allen's debut collection Unseaming, a Shirley Jackson Award finalist and horror fiction bestseller, will find The Spider Tapestries begins where Unseaming left off.