Eight stories about getting everydamnthing wrong. Proudly wearing your self-infliction for anyone to see. Defaulting to the lazy way out of even the easiest situation. Staring your last chance straight in the eyes and blowing it nevertheless. This pocket-sized edition of pratfalls and delusions---ranging in landscapes from rural Italy to downtown Boston---includes a digital download of CREAM RIVER’s musical twin, the four-song EP by Blind Pelican, WHISKEY DICK. Like the two halves of a black and white cookie, the book and record are a unified work, a single vision interpreted through two distinct media by two confused personae.
To order CREAM RIVER directly from the publisher, go to: http://www.publicationstudio.biz/book...
Eight stories about getting everydamnthing wrong. Proudly wearing your self-infliction for anyone to see. Defaulting to the lazy way out of even the easiest situation. Staring your last chance straight in the eyes and blowing it nevertheless. This pocket-sized edition of pratfalls and delusions---ranging in landscapes from rural Italy to downtown Boston---includes a digital download of CREAM RIVER’s musical twin, the four-song EP by Blind Pelican, WHISKEY DICK. Like the two halves of a black and white cookie, the book and record are a unified work, a single vision interpreted through two distinct media by two confused personae.
To order CREAM RIVER directly from the publisher, go to: http://www.publicationstudio.biz/book...