Captivated by the thought of experiencing something taboo, Summer Wilson contemplates taking the trip of a life time. Determined to live her own life for once, she decides that Sojourn could help her reinvent herself. But is going to a sex resort really the answer to her problems, or will it only cause more confusion?
Once Summer arrives, she learns that she must be willing to do anything to make her fantasies come true. But she finds it hard to push her previous lovers from her mind.
Things aren't always what they seem, and people aren't always who you believe them to be. Will Summer be able to accept reality when the blindfold comes off, or will it finish breaking her completely?
Captivated by the thought of experiencing something taboo, Summer Wilson contemplates taking the trip of a life time. Determined to live her own life for once, she decides that Sojourn could help her reinvent herself. But is going to a sex resort really the answer to her problems, or will it only cause more confusion?
Once Summer arrives, she learns that she must be willing to do anything to make her fantasies come true. But she finds it hard to push her previous lovers from her mind.
Things aren't always what they seem, and people aren't always who you believe them to be. Will Summer be able to accept reality when the blindfold comes off, or will it finish breaking her completely?