Comprehensive and insightful true stories inform readers how respected Dallas entrepreneurs developed their ideas and strategies into world-wide, renowned businesses. This delightful read will provide business men and women with invaluable knowledge and the encouragement to develop their ideas into reality. The growth of small businesses can be critical to advancing a society. This collection of stories features "how-to" lessons from great Americans who have in most cases started out their businesses small and built them up. They helped make our economy stronger by providing jobs as their companies grew. Their stories will inspire you to follow your dreams and teach you the importance of planning for your future.
Kindle Edition
Bridgewood Press, Phoenix, Arizona
December 29, 2014
Mentoring from the Top: Steps to Success for Entrepreneurs
Comprehensive and insightful true stories inform readers how respected Dallas entrepreneurs developed their ideas and strategies into world-wide, renowned businesses. This delightful read will provide business men and women with invaluable knowledge and the encouragement to develop their ideas into reality. The growth of small businesses can be critical to advancing a society. This collection of stories features "how-to" lessons from great Americans who have in most cases started out their businesses small and built them up. They helped make our economy stronger by providing jobs as their companies grew. Their stories will inspire you to follow your dreams and teach you the importance of planning for your future.