Psi -Judge Cassandra Anderson spirals into her darkest adventures yet, as her greatest nemesis – Judge Death – returns to plague Mega-City One! Together with his vile ‘sisters’ Nausea and Phobia, Death has created the Half-Life virus, unleashing a wave of homicidal behaviour in Mega-City One that only Anderson can stop – even if it means sacrificing her own life to do so! The continuing saga of everybody’s favourite Psi-Judge, are written by Alan Grant and feature the superb artwork of Arthur Ranson and Steve Sampson , with bonus material from Mark Millar and Dermot Power .
Psi -Judge Cassandra Anderson spirals into her darkest adventures yet, as her greatest nemesis – Judge Death – returns to plague Mega-City One! Together with his vile ‘sisters’ Nausea and Phobia, Death has created the Half-Life virus, unleashing a wave of homicidal behaviour in Mega-City One that only Anderson can stop – even if it means sacrificing her own life to do so! The continuing saga of everybody’s favourite Psi-Judge, are written by Alan Grant and feature the superb artwork of Arthur Ranson and Steve Sampson , with bonus material from Mark Millar and Dermot Power .