This week have a science fiction tale of a planet of gold from Ian Fletcher, followed by a story of an illustrator encountering his own gory creations from Gary Murphy, then a lupine fable from Stephen Hernandez while an old fashioned strongman encounters some exo-skeleton suited SWAT officers from Seamus Esparza.
The Days of Mr Thomas continues with a conversation between Ushma and Mr Thomas. In The Thousand and One Nights, Nuzhat al-Zaman is curious as to the Eunuch's identity. In Cut, Sam is reported to be dead. In The Smoky God, our sailor heroes pass into the Hollow Earth. And in Gulliver of Mars, the lieutenant witnesses the revival of a frozen Martian.
And 27 July 2014 also marks the publication date of the Rogue Planet Press anthology, Barbarians of the Red Planet! Available from
This week have a science fiction tale of a planet of gold from Ian Fletcher, followed by a story of an illustrator encountering his own gory creations from Gary Murphy, then a lupine fable from Stephen Hernandez while an old fashioned strongman encounters some exo-skeleton suited SWAT officers from Seamus Esparza.
The Days of Mr Thomas continues with a conversation between Ushma and Mr Thomas. In The Thousand and One Nights, Nuzhat al-Zaman is curious as to the Eunuch's identity. In Cut, Sam is reported to be dead. In The Smoky God, our sailor heroes pass into the Hollow Earth. And in Gulliver of Mars, the lieutenant witnesses the revival of a frozen Martian.
And 27 July 2014 also marks the publication date of the Rogue Planet Press anthology, Barbarians of the Red Planet! Available from