In this new psycho-thriller, Cynthia Straithe is a quiet, compulsive librarian. Repeatedly abused by her father as a child, she kills him when only eight years old. But the psychic damage he created and her mother's perceived acquiescence incubate together to create a monster. Seven years after moving to Chicago the monster inside is suddenly awakened.
Razor Cut is the story of a disturbed and disintegrating young woman, the puzzle of uncovering the triggering events which transform her into a killer and Detective Jim Slatterly's perplexing race to catch her before the number of victims grows larger.
In this new psycho-thriller, Cynthia Straithe is a quiet, compulsive librarian. Repeatedly abused by her father as a child, she kills him when only eight years old. But the psychic damage he created and her mother's perceived acquiescence incubate together to create a monster. Seven years after moving to Chicago the monster inside is suddenly awakened.
Razor Cut is the story of a disturbed and disintegrating young woman, the puzzle of uncovering the triggering events which transform her into a killer and Detective Jim Slatterly's perplexing race to catch her before the number of victims grows larger.