"Acclaimed designer and author David James...captures the intricacy that distinguishes Celtic style. Close-up enlargements make selected areas more visible...and easily copied. There's a virtual art gallery of projects....for whatever medium and technique you use-painting, dyes, leather, fabric, enameling, wood or slate. These lovely and engrossing patterns will make you glad you've joined the many who have discovered Celtic design."-- "The Celtic Connection. 96 pages, 81 b/w illus., 8 1/2 x 11.
"Acclaimed designer and author David James...captures the intricacy that distinguishes Celtic style. Close-up enlargements make selected areas more visible...and easily copied. There's a virtual art gallery of projects....for whatever medium and technique you use-painting, dyes, leather, fabric, enameling, wood or slate. These lovely and engrossing patterns will make you glad you've joined the many who have discovered Celtic design."-- "The Celtic Connection. 96 pages, 81 b/w illus., 8 1/2 x 11.