With the assistance of the magical Mouldiwarp, Edred and Elfrida travel back in time to earlier periods of English history, searching for clues. Harding's Luck is a sequel to The House of Arden, a great favorite of Nesbit fans; it's a story of injustice, poverty, deformity, magic, romance, suspense, sacrifice, and triumph over adversity that comes to its point with a fateful twist. . . .
With the assistance of the magical Mouldiwarp, Edred and Elfrida travel back in time to earlier periods of English history, searching for clues. Harding's Luck is a sequel to The House of Arden, a great favorite of Nesbit fans; it's a story of injustice, poverty, deformity, magic, romance, suspense, sacrifice, and triumph over adversity that comes to its point with a fateful twist. . . .