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PRE-READING: Not surprisingly, I didn't resist and began it right after finishing the first. Never said I was good at resisting books.But please, can I have more sciency craziness this time? (Thank you Nina for the wonderful expression).---“I want you when it’s crazy, when it’s frightening, when it’s impossible, because there’s nothing within you that could hurt me half as much as not having you.”Now, people. Do you know me as a sentimental person? Do you know me as the type of reviewer who woul...
This second book was everything I needed it to be.After the first book I wasn't sure where Gray would take the series next but I think she did a fabulous job.And that ending (view spoiler)[Marguerite was a hard pill for me to swallow in the first book. For some reason she just annoyed me - what right does she have to zap herself into her other "selves" but get so bent out of shape when other people do it? But she learns her lesson twofold here, first after learning that her tryst with Paul in th...
i have so many new series that i want to start, but i made myself swear an oath that i would finish old ones first. especially if i already own them. the struggle is real, my friends.but luckily i didnt have to struggle too much with this one. this was just as exciting as the first book. however, this strongly fell under what i consider to be a filler book. not much really happens plot-wise. all the information that furthers the storyline easily fits into a single chapter, and it happens towards...
The first 50% of this book suffered a very strong case of what I call, Second Book Syndrome™. //It’s basically when book 2 flops bc it can’t compare to book 1 and is kinda just a filler to bridge book 1 to book 3//But wait, could it actually have redeemed itself in the second half?!??!!??Yes, yes it did.We just need to establish something off the bat:1) A message to Marguerite: 2) Someone destroy this dumb love triangle bc I can’t take it anymoreSo, in this book, Conely the Devil™, has forced
ha ha :) ha :) hah :) ha :) plot twists :) characters :) cliffhanger :) I am literally so in love with this series!!! Like!!! Claudia Gray, give my heart a break. I'm fragile. This book was just like the first one. Full of action, twists, and drama! Especially that cliffhanger, oh boy I need to buy the next book when my edition's out (did I mention I hate editions and I don't get why publishers think it's a good idea to release different editions/different sizes not all together? Who told them i...
*Full Review Update* Good gravy, this series.If you thought the first one was a wild ride full of twists and turns and EMOTIONS, just wait.*SPOILERS FOR BOOK 1 & MILD SPOILERS FOR BOOK 2* We jump right back in with Marguerite and the aftermath of the first book- everyone coming to terms with what really happened and all the new revelations.... and the consequences. Theo is now suffering the physical repercussions from the drug that *evil* Theo put in his body. Paul, being the kind soul that he i...
***5 fantastic stars***Would you be able to betray your loved ones from multiple different universes in order to save your loved ones from your own universe?My first reaction after reading this: WOAHMAZING. Like its predecessor, this book is one heck of a ride! Claudia Gray has continued the spectacular world of Marguerite and the Firebird in this second installment. The plot: Ten Thousand Skies Above You jumps right into action with our MC Marguerite traveling to a new dimension, willing to do...
I am having a HEART ATTACKJust like the last book, this one was incredibly fast paced and I loved it. Claudia Gray introduces the background of the story in the blurb itself and jumps right into the story. I loved the plot, the characters, and most importantly that heart attack-inducing ending.The story continues with Paul's conscience being splintered by none other than Conley. Marguerite, the perfect traveler, travels into different dimensions to retrieve each piece of Paul's conscience. But
EUGH. I was originally going to give this two stars because despite everything, the concept is still quite clever and interesting. But you know what? Fuck this book. The first book wasn't great but I still really enjoyed it. I was excited to start the second book but things just went downhill from there and here is why...The short version is that this book turned into a clusterfuck of YA tropes and it was just so so annoying. The long version might be a bit of a rant so brace yourselves (obvious...
I received an Advance Reader Copy from the publisher. This in no way impacted on my view.This book was one I was not expecting to be able to read before publication. One day, I was browsing Twitter and noticed the Harper 360 account. Being the cheeky person I am, I asked if there was any way to receive a review copy; imagine my surprise when one comes in the post a few days later. I've been wanting to read this book since I got it in July, but my TBR hasn't let me. Even so, I devoured this 400+
On The Bookshelves Full Review“Ten thousand skies, and a million worlds,and it still wouldn’t be enough for me to share with you. Nothing less than forever will do.”Ten Thousand Skies Above You is the sequel in the Firebird trilogy and is as equally, if not more, adventurous and exciting than the first as Marguerite travels through alternate universes to save the man she loves!Essentially, Ten Thousand Skies Above You is consistent with the storyline of the first book, but now they are just trav...
“Ten thousand skies, and a million worlds, and it still wouldn’t be enough for me to share with you. Nothing less than forever will do.” HOLY CRAP. I LOVED THIS SO MUCH. This was even better than the first book! I mean, literally amazing! A Thousand Pieces of You was undeniably great, but this one totally destroyed me. Everything was ... intense. Her journeys to all those dimensions were so much more awesome than in the first book. We got to see those other different selves of Marguerite that
Okay well when I finished book 1 I said in my review that I would probably not read book 2. So I have anyway and it turned out to be an improvement!There was a lot more happening in this book, more universes visited, more action for our heroes and a whole lot of twists and turns. I am still not convinced by the science behind the Firebirds which seems to change according to the needs of the plot. However I am always ready to disregard facts and enjoy the fiction when the story is good enough and...
Ten Thousand Skies Above You gave the "darker" aspects in dimension-traveling. The 1st book had problems, sure, but everything felt new and exciting there (and the romance scenes were everrrrrything). I loved the 1st book, so reading this book was a bit of a shock. The dimensions they visited in this book were so far from ideal - one being in war, one with a Mafia Paul, and (view spoiler)[ one with psycho parents (hide spoiler)], etc. etc.. It made sense to see these darker dimensions - but all
This book is the sequel to A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Grey.It shows the next step in the battle against Triad and Wyatt Conley and reveals some much needed answers. Marguerite once again is travelling through dimensions, this time though she is travelling to save 2 people very dear to her. I don't want to spoil anything, but let's just say, she isn't travelling alone. In this book Marguerite realizes that Paul and her aren't together in every dimension and that in some dimensions, the v...
4.25 sky-high STARS ★★★★✩ This book is for you if… you enjoyed the prequel. You’ll devour this, it's got the only kind of love-triangle I can actually endure and offers more science to the whole multiverse-topic. The series in general is worthwhile. Warning: cliffhanger ahead. ⤐ Preface.Did I pick up the first book because I really liked the cover-design of the whole series?⤐ Overall.The only hope I had for this book that wasn't fulfilled is page time for a moment where the title of these